Halbleitertechnologie von A bis Z

Alles über Halbleiter und die Waferfertigung

O Oxygen
O-D Zero Dimensional
OBA Object Behavior Analysis
OBEM Object-Based Equipment Model
OBIC Optical Beam-induced Current
OBL Object-based Language
OC Open Cassette
OCR Optical Character Recognition
OD Outside Diameter
OD Optical Density
ODBC Open Database Connectivity
ODC Oxygen-doped Carbide
ODE Ordinary Differential Equation
ODP Ozone Depletion Potential
ODS Ozone-depleting Substances
ODU Octapole Drive Unit
OEBR Optical Edge Bead Removal
OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness
OEL Occupational Exposure Limit
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OES Optical Emission Spectroscopy
OFA Oil-free Air
OFE Overall Factory Effectiveness
OHS Overhead Hoist Shuttle
OHT Overhead Transport
OHT Overhead Hoist Transport
OHV Overhead Vehicle
OHVC Overhead Hoist Vehicle Controller
OID Object Interaction Diagram
OID Object Identification
OIM Orientation Imaging Microscopy
OL Objective Lens
OL Overlay
OLB Outer Lead Bond
OLE Object Linking And Embedding
OLE Object Linking Environment
OLS Ordinary Least Squares
OM Operational Modeling
OM Optical Microscopy
OMA Object Management Architecture
OMS Optical Mass Spectroscopy
OMT Object Modeling Technique
OO Object-oriented
OOA Object-oriented Analysis
OOD Object-oriented Design
OODB Object-oriented Database
OODBMS Object-oriented Database Management System
OOP Object-oriented Programming
OOPS Object-oriented Programming System
OPC Optical Particle Counter
OPC Optical Proximity Correction
OPD Out-of-plane Distortion
OPL Optical Pathlength
OPL Optical Planarization Layer
OPS Optically Pumped Semiconductor
ORB Object Request Broker
ORM Other Regulated Material
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
ORP Oxidation-reduction Potential
Os Osmium
OS Operating System
OSD Organic Spin-on Dielectric
OSF Open Systems Foundation
OSF Oxidation-induced Stacking Fault
OSG Organosilicate Glass
OSI Open System Interconnection
OSRM Office Of Standard Reference Materials
OSS Object Services Standard
OSV Offset Scan Voting
OTF Optical Transfer Function
OVL Overlay
Ox Oxide